Wild West Week

mon22jul(jul 22)1:00 amsun28(jul 28)3:00 pmWild West Week

Event Details


July 22-July 28

Celebrate the wild west with a ride on the mechanical bull Saturday afternoon. Saturday afternoon will be live music on the pool deck and that evening enjoy the music of 40 North.  Pulled pork will be the dinner special Saturday night. Wicked Rides car club will have a cruise night, so come and check out the classic cars.

*Advanced ticket purchase required for Saturday night dinners*

*Food specials MUST be mentioned at time of purchase*


10am Candy Bar Bingo at Swashbuckler’s Hall. One candy bar per board. Candy MUST be purchased in advance.

11:30am Create Your Own Arrowhead Necklaces, meet at the Treasure Room (fee).

1pm Pirate Shoot- Out, meet on the field.

2pm Tug of War, on the field and bring your friends!

3pm Bean Bag Boot Toss, meet on the field.

3-6pm 1/2 pried milkshakes in Queen Ann’s Galley!

8:30pm Hayride! Meet at the office. Join us for a ride through the campground!


10am Western Book Picture Frame, meet at the Treasure Room (fee).

11:30am Potato Sack Races! On the field.

1pm Three Legged Race, meet on the field & bring a partner.

2pm Tin Can Target Practice! On the field.

3pm Bouncy Ball Races! On the field.

3-6pm 20% off flatbreads in Queen Ann’s Galley!

8:30pm Campfire with free marshmallows accompanied by a live acoustic guitar player! Meet by the pond.


10am Ceramics at the Treasure Room (fee).

12pm Pin the Hat on the Cowboy! Meet on the pool deck.

1pm Dunk Tank Fun! On the field. Waiver must be signed if entering the tank. Rules and regulations apply.

2pm Tug of War, on the field!

3pm Balloon Pop Relay Race! On the field.

DUSK PM: ‘Ferdinand’ on the pool deck! $1 popcorn & $1 soda special in Queen Ann’s Galley during the movie!


10am Color Your Own Ancient Culture Poster, meet at the Treasure Room.

11:30am Horseshoe Painting, at the Treasure Room (fee).

1pm Giant Jenga, meet on the field.

2pm Egg Relay Race, meet on the field.

3pm Wheel Barrel Races, meet on the field.

3-6pm THIRSTY THURSDAY! $1 small sodas in Queen Ann’s Galley.

9pm Lollipop Flashlight Hunt, meet at the office. Bring your own flashlight.


11am Poolside Bingo, meet at the pool. PRIZES AWARDED.

1pm Boot Picture Frames, at the Treasure Room (fee).

2pm Decorate Your Own Snake! At the Treasure Room (fee).

3pm Table Top S’mores, meet on the field.

3-6pm FRY-DAY in Queen Ann’s Galley! 1/2 price fries! 

6pm Tye-Dye at the Treasure Room! $7 per shirt, or bring your own for $5.

8pm KIWI visits our happy campers! Meet in front of the office to take a photo with the campground’s mascot!

8:30pm Hayride! Meet in front of the office.


8-11am Breakfast Sandwiches in Queen Ann’s Galley. $4 w/ cheese $4.50.

10am-1pm Mechanical Bull Riding! On the field.

1pm Ceramics! At the Treasure Room (fee).

4-6pm Pulled Pork Dinner in Queen Ann’s Galley! Must purchase tickets in advance. 

7pm 40 North! On the pool deck.


8-11am Breakfast Sandwiches in Queen Ann’s Galley. $4 w/ cheese $4.50.

10am Dream-Catcher Making! At the Treasure Room (fee).

11:30am Pin the Wheel on the Tractor! Meet on the pool deck.

1pm Frozen T-Shirt Contest, meet by the pool.

2pm Tug of War, meet on the field.

3pm Capture the Cowboy Hat, meet on the field.

3-6pm 1 FREE topping with the purchase of ice cream in Queen Ann’s Galley! 

8pm Bingo at Swashbuckler’s Hall. $1 per card.





07/22/2019 1:00 am - 07/28/2019 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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