Chili Cook Off Weekend Activities

June 5th – June 7th

Friday, Saturday and Sunday rent a kayak and take a leisurely ride in the estuaries to watch the “dance” of the turtles. See how many you can spot floating in the water or climbing the banks. Kayaks go out at 9am and 1pm

8:30pm Hayride meet at the office. Join us for a fun filled ride around the campground.
All day Milk Shake special in Queen Ann’s Galley. $2.00 for a medium milk shake.

8am – 11am Breakfast sandwiches at Queen Ann’s Galley $3.50 w/cheese $4.00
1pm – 4pm Chili Cook Off meet at the baseball field to enjoy an afternoon of chili tasting, good music and booth judging. $5.00/person to enter. All proceeds are donated to the local fire companies. Entrance entitles you to taste to your heart’s content and then vote on your favorite chili and best decorated booth! Prizes are awarded in both categories.
11:00am-4:00pm Small Fries and a Small Soda $3.00 in Queen Ann’s Galley.

8am – 11am Breakfast sandwiches at Queen Ann’s Galley $3.50 w/cheese $4.00
10am Arts and Crafts, “Decorate your own Frog Lantern” meet at the Treasure Chest.
1:00pm Ice Cream Eating Contest meet on the pool deck.

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