Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly! Pet Weekend is here September 9th to the …

Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly! Pet Weekend is here September 9th to the …

1686885104 715 Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly Pet Weekend is here1686885105 149 Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly Pet Weekend is here1686885107 278 Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly Pet Weekend is here1686885108 653 Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly Pet Weekend is here1686885108 321 Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly Pet Weekend is here1686885109 684 Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly Pet Weekend is here

Sea Pirate Campground is Pet Friendly! Pet Weekend is here September 9th to the 11th.

Anyone who brings a pet camping will book one night and get one free. You must call to get the free night, & it must be mentioned at time of booking.  All pet fees will be waived this weekend. Don’t forget to join us for a pet swim on Saturday. There will be live music Saturday night on the pool deck. 

September 9th


Head on over to the pillow for some fun!

8:30-9:30PM: Hayride and Meet Kiwi!

Meet in front of the office to meet the Sea Pirate mascot, KIWI! Followed by a hayride throughout the campground!

September 10th

10AM: Ceramics! 

Meet at the Treasure Room! Prices range from $1-$15 depending on the piece you choose!


Head on over to the pillow for some fun!

12PM: Pet Adoption! 

Head on down to the Treasure Room to adopt your own stuffed animal! FEE!

1PM: Make Your Own Collar for your Adopted Pet!

Meet at the Treasure Room! $3 per collar!

2PM: Water Balloon Pop Relay!

Meet on the field and prepare to get wet!

2-5PM: Pet Swim!

Bring your dog out to the pool to play and go for a swim with the other dogs! Your pet MUST be accompanied the entire time!

3PM: Donut Eating Contest!

Meet on the Pool Deck!

7-10PM: Live Music!

September 11th

10AM: Candy Bar Bingo!

Meet at Swashbuckler’s Hall! One candy bar per board. Candy MUST be purchased in advance!

10-1PM: Pet Swim!

Bring your dog out to the pool to play and go for a swim with the other dogs! Your pet MUST be accompanied the entire time!


Head on over to the pillow for some fun!


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