IMG 20160728 142216

Cardboard Duct Tape Boat Regatta

[vc_row][vc_column][mk_fancy_title size=”26″ force_font_size=”true” font_weight=”bold” font_family=”none” align=”center”]Sea Pirate Campground’s
Third Annual Cardboard Duct Tape Boat Regatta
August 2, 2014[/mk_fancy_title][vc_column_text]

Official Rules
The only materials to use for your boat: Cardboard and duct tape.

The Specifics:
1. Only cardboard or corrugated cardboard may be used.
2. Only duct tape may be used on the cardboard. Wax, silicone, fiber glass resins, epoxy, glues, nails, and screws are prohibited. Our goal is to keep this event as “eco-friendly” as possible!
3. Decorations may be made of any material but cannot help keep the boat together or aloft.
4. Only oars, paddles, or wind may be used to propel the boat. Oars, paddles, and sails may be made out of any material. Paddles will be provided from the camp if needed.
5. Each boat must have at least 2 team members.
6. All participants must wear personal flotation devices (PFDs) throughout the duration of the race. Passengers in your boat must not be enclosed above their shoulders. All passengers must be visible while the boat is in the water. During competition, crew must be IN the boat, not towing it, holding it between their legs, swimming, or allowing life jackets to provide the flotation of the vessel.
7. Each team must remove their entire boat and any boat remains from the water when the race is finished. A receptacle for trash will be provided.

There will be a committee that will serve as the “Rules and Safety Committee”.
If any judge has reason to believe the boat is made of prohibited materials, the team will be asked to prove otherwise. Any boat deemed “unsafe” will not be allowed to enter the race.
Competitor’s positions will be announced at the Camp Pond.
Check-in and inspection will be held from 9:00am till 10:30am. The races will begin at 11:00am.

Award Categories
Fastest Time- 1st, 2nd, 3rd – Youth Division (Ages 5-13)
Fastest Time- 1st, 2nd, 3rd – Adult Division (Ages 14 and older)
If anyone in the boat is over 14 years of age, you will be put in the Adult Division.
Most Patriotic
Most Sea Worthy
Sunk Like the Titanic

Remember to be creative and to have fun![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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